Affiliate Marketing: How To Make Your Website Profitable

The Affiliate Marketing promises reward as online content creator on promoting a product or service. And according to the affiliate program you decide to join, you can earn income from products sold, commission for promoted services, or in a nutshell, earnings according to the agreement the company decides to give you.

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It is practically impossible to monetize a blog if you do not have a Content Marketing strategy behind it.  This time, we will talk about Amazon Affiliates , as it is one of the best known and most profitable in the world for SEO specialists , and even for niche survey specialists.

Stay with us to learn more about how this program can make your website profitable.

What is Affiliate Marketing and how big is this segment?

Affiliate Marketing is an online strategy where people are encouraged to promote a product or service.

It is defined as a marketing agreement whereby an online retailer or eCommerce pays commissions to an external website for traffic or sales generated by their referrals.

This can be done through websites, social media, email lists, or other means.  In turn, all references are tracked using cookie technology, so that affiliate commissions and payments can be automated.

The power of affiliate channels is real, as anyone who sells online can understand the need for qualified visitors to optimize sales opportunities.

How does Affiliate Marketing work?

We can summarize it in four simple steps:

  1. You join an affiliate program.
  2. You choose one or more products to promote (you will get a unique affiliate link).
  3. You share the link through social networks, blogs, YouTube videos, or any other content platform that allows you to insert the links.
  4. When someone makes a purchase, you earn an affiliation commission (the percentage will depend on various factors).

On the other hand, the current figures that are handled about the success of this type of Marketing are:

  • 81% of brands and 84% of publishers harness the power of Affiliate Marketing in the United States, according to eMarketer statistics .
  • There is a 10.1% increase in Affiliate Marketing spending in the USA each year, which means that by 2020 that amount will reach $ 6.8 billion, according to Mediakix .
  • In 2018, Content Marketing costs reached 62% of traditional marketing schemes, and at the same time generated three times the scope compared to traditional methods.
  • In this way, 16% of all orders placed online are on the market under the impact of Affiliate Marketing .

How does the Amazon Affiliate program work?

Joining the Amazon Affiliate program is free, and open to anyone. It works since 1996 and is one of the pioneers on the Internet.

Once you open an account, you can create links directly on Amazon that contain your special referral code, also known as an affiliate link.

When someone clicks through your affiliate link, a cookie is placed on your computer. And when they make a purchase, Amazon will attribute it to you, because you referred them!

Then Amazon rewards you with a commission percentage on the sale .

For example, if the reader clicked on your link where you recommended a makeup case, but also ended up buying a folding chair, you’ll get a commission on both items!

Steps to implement this program

  1. Sign up for free in the Amazon Associates program .
  2. Find a product that helps your readers and use the Amazon tool to get your affiliate link.
  3. Generate content of interest that meets the needs of your users.
  4. Add your affiliate link in your blog post or where you communicate with your Buyer People .

Tools and Features

With the mission of generating links to promote products or services, Amazon Affiliates makes certain tools available to its associates to make the experience more satisfying and simple.

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Plugins are tools that generate the necessary links and elements to add them to the WordPress editors of the sites.

Although this resource comes with templates for the creation of the ad, in order to add the price with the rest of the text, you can also customize the designs of those templates at your discretion.


It consists of a toolbar with which you can manage all your ads in the easiest way, and one of its main advantages is that it lets you share links on the most popular social networks, just by clicking.

You need to know that until you have generated at least three sales you will not be able to access the API, so the first sales you must link manually.

Amazon Affiliate API

This is the formula to link Amazon to the site in order to have an alternative to the normal method of generating links.

It is advantageous to use the API because it allows you to filter the entire catalog of Amazon products, and therefore find the ones that suit you the fastest, depending on the content you have created.

Another benefit is that you can see comments from buyers of the product you choose and recommendations of other products related to it.


Another option that Amazon allows is to add the links in the web banners, which are highly receptive as advertisements, as they achieve good conversions.

And although there are various designs, you can also adapt it to the design that your site has by default.

Affiliate web bar

With the support of this resource, you can generate a link from any Amazon page without having to enter the affiliate account.

The tool not only allows you to create links, but also images with text, and there is even a button for you to go directly to see how your income is going.

Considerations before starting the program

Amazon is very clear with its policies to be an affiliate and not fail in the attempt.

One of the considerations that you should take into account before starting this adventure is that you cannot simulate purchases from your own link, because Amazon will notice it since it usually does rigorous monitoring of each of its affiliates.

Other failures that affiliates usually commit include: shortening links, conducting SEM campaigns with them, not notifying users that Affiliate Marketing is in progress, changing product details, promising non-existent features, among others.

On the other hand, take into account that Amazon will give you a period of ninety days to sell. After that time without generating a sale, the account will be closed.

Remember that your website should have something to do with the products you are offering, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve a conversion.

Create appropriate content

As mentioned, Amazon is very clear with its policies and regarding content, nothing that incites violence or racism, among other aspects, can be used.

Appropriate content is content that does not redirect spam or use misleading content to attract users. 

Therefore, your content must be current and generate interest in your audience, so you should keep them updated on product data, price updates, the number of them available, among other details.

The outsourcing of content is a good choice to develop the creation of appropriate content, because it is profitable, saving time and this work is left in the hands of marketers Content.

Benefit Calculation

The calculation of earnings is carried out in a 24-hour period, counted from the time a user is redirected to Amazon thanks to your link and makes a purchase.

You must take into account that the commission is also calculated based on the type of product that has been sold, and if it is the same one that was promoted on your page or it is another.

To learn more about Amazon Affiliate commissions, .

On the other hand, many think that the Affiliate program represents great losses for Amazon in its percentages of earnings, but the truth is that it constitutes a very small part of its turnover. Rather, this program generates traffic and greater reach to your website.

Genwords is the success story of Impremedia, the number one Spanish digital newspaper publication company among Hispanics residing in the United States.

Impremedia covers a high demand from its target audience in terms of content, therefore, it was necessary to produce Buying Guides in order to redirect audiences to and encourage buying.

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One of the value propositions generated by our Inbound Marketing agency was to turn to the Amazon Affiliate program. The strategy consisted of:

  • Write reviews of new products.
  • Write about best-sellers.
  • Promote special offers related to the needs and profile of each reader.

Among the most outstanding results are:

  • Organic traffic growth.
  • Increase in the conversion rate.
  • Increased profits.

Final recommendations

In short, one of the most practical and effective ways to monetize your website is through Affiliate Marketing, and according to its trajectory, and the profits obtained year after year, Amazon Affiliates is your best option among these programs.

The tips to achieve a good ROI consist of:

  • Write to your niche: you must be very clear about who makes up your audience and about what products they want to read.
  • Create content never seen before : make product comparisons, analysis, help them, with useful information to make a decision.
  • Validate your niche with Amazon: do the products you want to promote have good reviews in the online store?
  • Check your search volume on Google : Use the Google Keyword Planner and verify that you are using the correct ones; so that whoever requires the product information you are going to provide, will find you first.
  • Judge the contents of your competitors: bring out the best and worst and make the necessary adjustments. Maybe you find an unexplored niche.
  • Make Guest blogging or guest articles to get external links : Google will notice that your site is of quality because others are linking it.
  • Keep all your content in SEO optimization .
Kushal Enugula: I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.