Social Media

Why aren’t my Facebook ads working?

The social network with the most corporate presence today is Facebook, there is no doubt…

What can LinkedIn bring to your company?

Linkedin is the main social network for creating professional ties and generating business . It helps the company to…

How to do internet marketing

With the arrival of 2019 we have dedicated ourselves to preparing you so that this…

The secret of email marketing

If you are reading this article, it is very likely that, like us, you are…

5 common YouTube advertising mistakes

Online video users are expected to double to 3 billion by 2017, according to Cisco.…

10 steps to create a marketing plan for your company

The success of a business depends on your marketing plan. This plan establishes your marketing strategy…

Improve these 6 elements on your Facebook page to have higher conversions

Having an Internet presence is a necessity today if you want your business to be…

Measurements of images in social networks

As you surely could witness, social networks have become a super powerful tool to attract customers…

Why design a communication plan for Social Networks?

Strategy is key to obtaining results On many occasions we have talked in this blog…

What time should I post on my company’s facebook?

While you are reading these lines, almost 2 billion people are using this social network…