Detailed Guide on the Rule of Link Building

It is always useful to know the latest rule of link building that helps you improve your website ranking. If you are following the old practices for your blog’s link building, then it’s time to change these practices. In this article, we have provided complete information about what kind of link building works in 2019 and what does not work.

Here are some Dos of the link building, which you must follow:

Local Listing

This kind of link building works very well. There are many platforms like Yellow Pages that inform Google where exactly your business is located. These directories have consistent business information like address, name, and phone number. If you are doing local business listings, then the first thing you can do is create a page on your website, where the customers can find your business online. Link to the local listings to your site and you can get to see the boomerang effect. Google starts indexing these links very fast compared to the traditional local listing method.

Determine the Link Value

Apart from the traffic benefit, you must also understand the value that link building adds to your site. Is it quality traffic? Does it increase authority? Is the backlink you get relevant to your site? Clearly, understanding the value of the backlink you are getting for your site.

Unlinked Brand Link Building

This is one of the easiest ways to get a backlink for your website or blog by analyzing who is mentioning your brand name but not giving a link back to your website. For example, let’s say you provide one of the best SEO services in Hyderabad and someone has published an article on “top SEO companies in Hyderabad”. If that article has your brand name mentioned in it but has not given a link back to your website, then you can reach to the editor of the website and say “Hello, would you mind giving a link back to my website? It would be really great.” By doing so, you can add relevant links pointing to your website.

Rebuilding Broken links

This is one of the easiest and effective ways to build back your links in a short period of time. So, what exactly does broken link building mean? Broken link building means identifying the 404 error web pages on your site that are getting linked from other websites and driving in traffic for your website. You can either make the 404 error pages to 301 redirections or simply rebuild the content with the same link on the website.

Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

In this kind of link building, you will help the reporters whenever they are seeking out for some information for an article via the email. This is another form of PR and it is a very effective form of link building that boosts the authority of your website.

Sponsorship Link Building

Sponsorship link building is a method where you sponsor for some events or non-profit organizations in your locality and get a link back to your website from their event page.

Outreach Link Building

This is one of the best ways of building links for your website. Generally, the response rate for outreach link building is low (between 4 percent and 7 percent). You can increase the response rate by planning strategically and crafting the email professional while asking for a link.

Create Kickass Original Content

This is a kind of link earning rather than building links by yourself. It is said that content is the king in the digital world. When you write a masterpiece article in your niche, the chances of your influencers linking back to your site is pretty high. For this, good research is required to write the content.

These are some of the kinds of link building, which you must focus on building for your site. On the other hand, there are some things, which you should not do for link building. Some of them are:

●       Buying Links:

Never buy backlinks from a seller who sells multiple backlinks from a single website. It might be harmful to your site rankings.

●     Low-Quality Directory Links:

These kinds of links are very bad for the site. Low-quality directory links do nothing except spamming your site.


These are the rule of link building, which you must follow while building links for your website. There are some good professional providers that provide amazing kind of link building services. You can outsource your link building to them if you do not have time.
