6 Tips for Writing a Media Pitch

Do you find yourself needing to write a media pitch, but don’t know where to start?

Media pitches are when you send a quick email to a journalist, magazine company, television station, or even a blog. You have information that could turn into an enticing story that brings awareness and attention to your business.

Simply put – you’re asking someone to do a story on your information, or at least mentioning it in another story.

Many companies find this as an excellent tool for quick advertisement for their company. It adds credibility to them (as long as the information they provide the story is accurate) and can reach a broad audience.

Writing a media pitch takes a bit of creativity. You only get one shot, so you want to do it right. We have six tips to help you write an effective media pitch that will get accepted.

Send to the Right Person

Before you even begin writing, you want to have someone lined up for who you’ll send the idea to. That way, you can tailor how you write the pitch to that specific person.

Luckily, there is a media contact database you can use to search for the right person and get their correct contact information.

Write a Catchy Subject Line

The subject line is what the journalist will first see before he or she opens your email. Because they likely get numerous pitches sent daily, you want yours to stand out (and actually get read).

Your subject line should clearly state the hook of the pitch, that is, what the main focus is. It’s a tricky line to write, so spend time writing a few drafts before clicking send.

Address the Person by Name

Ever get those emails where you know it’s a template they copied and pasted without much thought? Those are the ones that quickly get deleted.

Show that you took the time to learn about the person you’re reaching out to. Address them by name right at the start of your pitch. Add that connection right off the top.

Grammar Means Everything

Not only should you address the person’s name, but when you’re reaching out to a journalist, grammar means everything. If your pitch is littered with spelling mistakes, they won’t take you seriously. Likely, they’ll think it’s a scam email and click delete.

Edit your pitch before you send it. Have another set of eyes read through to catch mistakes you likely will miss.

Keep It Simple

Journalists are busy people. Don’t waste their time with filler sentences before finally revealing your point. Your pitch will get deleted.

Keep it short and straightforward. Provide the facts right away to show why you think this is important. The first paragraph of your pitch can make or break it.

Don’t Sound Desperate

When writing your pitch, use phrases like “I think this information will be interesting to you.” Rather than asking them to write a story about you. Going that route can come across as desperate and wanting cheap advertisement.

Entice the journalist into writing a story about your information. Make them want to ask you more questions.

Writing media pitches aren’t always easy, as you have little time to grab the reader’s attention. Making a simple, eye-catching pitch with enticing information will get you started towards a successful pitch.

Kushal Enugula: I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.