Startups boom during lockdown due to Covid 19

The novel virus had brought the entire world to a standstill. Complete lockdown and curfew being the only measures to stop the initial spread. The virus has affected more than the human body. It had threatened to cripple the world economy and had dealt a fatal blow to most small businesses. The initial onslaught of the virus is passed, and as the Social distancing and MA regulations are being relaxed, business houses irrespective of size are preparing for a “new normal.” Masks, social distancing guidelines and measures to maintain minimum physical contact are the new norms, so are the Analytics, SEO, and Web app developers, the new service providers along with the trusted supplier and transporter.

As the recent numbers published in indicate, more and more businesses are trying their best to fight the pandemic’s economic effects online. While most business houses have reported extensive losses, many startups like Glass box, Soft iron, and Humio have garnered millions in fundraising during the pandemic. All these companies provide software and data solutions for websites, apps, and MNCs and indicate the serious impetus gained by the startup boom.

Businesses and Startups:

With hundreds of new startups and even higher numbers of websites and blogs emerging with each passing day, this shift from the physical to the virtual is ominous.

Business houses signing up for services of professional website builders like Squarespace are no longer reluctant. To survive the pandemic and gain a head start, a comfortable and appealing interface is now mandatory.

As the customer is confined to the four walls of the house, businesses leave no stone unturned to bring their shops to the doorstep. Thanks to the lockdown leisure, more and more emails earlier considered spam are finding their way to the inbox. To gain leverage from this exercise, the services of startups like Glass box and Humio are essential.

They provide the statistics and help the businesses make the campaigns effective and are vital to boost sales and profit. Thus, this startup boom is not transitory but is an essential part of the ‘new normal.’

App developers, website builders, data scientists, companies providing web hosting services, and cloud services are witnessing a surge in demand. With the unrelenting faith of the financiers and lucrative contracts with International business houses, these entrepreneurs are helping rebuild the businesses and economy.

Freelancers and Startups:

“Work from home” is another new normal that has boosted the gig economy. As the economy reels, most employers are looking to downsize to minimize the damage. Possibility of a steep rise in taxes, salary cuts, and even losing one’s jobs might be in the cards. With these insecurities, most skilled individuals are turning towards a side hustle or even full time freelancing. Most established freelancing platforms like PeoplePerHour and Upwork are experiencing a massive surge in web traffic. With more and more employers looking to hire skilled individuals on a purely contract or ‘per assignment’ basis, these platforms are opening new avenues for qualified individuals. The more seasoned and reputed freelancer with the trusted client base is no longer hesitant to float an app or a website catering to their niche.

As numbers at indicate, even individuals without any prior online business experience are keen on venturing into the virtual market. With over a million searches every week for starting up a “takeaway business online” or an online crafts and art shop, individuals and freelancers are venturing out into the world of startups.

“New normal” and Startups:

As the famous saying goes, desperate times call for drastic measures. The complete lockdown was, without a doubt, an extreme measure during these times of pandemic. As public places, transport, business, and offices came to a halt, the subsequent relaxation of the lockdown restrictions saw the country waking up to a “new normal.” Shopping, paying utility bills, entertainment, office, and school hours are mainly carried out online from the comfort and safety of one’s home.

The market has now established itself in the laptop, mobile phone, and tablet screens from carrying out all banking transactions to choosing one’s wines or selling and buying used cars. So has the classrooms, boardrooms, and even the social gatherings shifted to the video conferencing apps. With this, most of the local and small businesses are getting serious about building their online presence. With startups like Carzoo, a used car buying and selling portal, and Yapily, a one-stop solution for all carrying out all banking transactions of all banks in a single platform, leading the way. The startups have successfully garnered millions in finances, and the startups are booming during these times of pandemic.

While they wait for a vaccine and remedy against the novel virus seems never-ending, life is adapting itself, and so are the businesses. With severe efforts from companies of all sizes, local and international, skilled individuals and freelancers, entrepreneurs, institutions, and establishments, the virtual market has become a ‘new normal.’ With the increasing number of websites, blogs, affiliates, and apps launched each day, technical expertise and web solutions are booming.

While the lockdown and social distancing regulations have brought the world to a standstill and crashed economies, the experienced and budding entrepreneurs are paving way for the new normal. The virus has attacked more than the human body, but the world is fighting back.

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About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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