What is mapping and how does it work?


Surely, at some point and indifferent sectors, you have seen a visual work resulting frommapping. By way of introduction,we can say that it is an audiovisual technique that is somewhat difficult, but that it is perfect for giving movement, something thatmotion designworks on , to images.

After all, usingmapping, what we do isgive movement to the imagesin a reasoned way.This will allow you to send almost any message you need, also using techniques such as storytelling.

Now, let’s really get down to business.

What is mapping?

Themapping or audiovisual mappingis the process by whicha video is projected on a surface,be it a wall of a building or the ceiling of a room. It is true that this technique has been used for decades, but with the arrival of the most advanced technologies, companies, producers and artists themselves have opted for it as a way of making their creations.

The most attractive aspect of this technique is thatit not only uses the image to create the desired effect, but also takes advantage of the reliefand textures of the surfaces on which it is projected to create a unique result. In addition, there are those who also intend to add an extra to their work, for which they create different objects with different shapes and sizes, and that gives another even more differential touch.

There is another important issue inmappingto take into account. Becauseeach of the surfaces on which it can be projected is different, we mean that it has its own characteristics, materials and textures, the audiovisual effects are different. Therefore,no two mappings are the same.

Visual mapping is an important part of information visualization. It requires the definition of a spatial substrate, graphical elements and graphical properties to adequately explain how the data is related to other data. It can be based on real spatial relationships, or it can create a virtual spatial relationship when no such relationship exists in the data set.

What types exist?

As we have already said,mappingcan be used in a large number of different ways, and based on the objective it pursues.

Mapping in buildings

Without a doubt, this is themost common type of video mapping. It is also called architectural mapping, and it is the one that has achieved the most relevance thanks to the different communication media. They have been made on countless historical and emblematic buildings, such as the Puerta del Sol in Madrid or the Casa Batlló in Barcelona, ​​but throughout the country they have been seen at some point.

the advertiser

Advertising mapping is a type of strategy that is carried out inadvertising and that provides a framework for it.It consists of two parts: the first is the analysis at the macro level, which analyzes the general state of a given industry and analyzes the competitive environment. The second part is an analysis at the micro level, which assesses the position of an individual company in relation to its competitors.

The purpose of this method is to help marketers find thebest videos for their ads and campaigns. These videos can be used in all kinds of marketing material, such as social media posts, YouTube ads, and even TV commercials.

table mapping

This is perhaps theleast known mappingof all. In summary, what it consists of is the projection of the objects that are on a surface using augmented reality. This allows, thanks to 3Danimation, objects to come to life.

What is needed to do video mapping?

Obviously, to work with this audiovisual technique, a team is required and the conditions that allow it to be carried out are required. Next, we will see these elements.

The interaction

Interaction with visual mapping is achieved by makinggood use of lighting. It is this element that allows the viewer to be part of the work in question,since through the use of lights, shapes and textures are created that the user can enjoy. It is about transforming the reality we know into a new one that the viewer can feel and experience.

For this reason, it is essential to find the surface that is most suitable to achieve the desired effect.

The message

Mappingis much more than a good combination of images projected on a surface. Equally important is telling a good story, providing a message that is consistent and consistent with the images we show. It is essential to point out thatthe message is the basics.

It must be a well-defined message and appropriate to what is intended.

visual effects

The third leg of themapping or visual mappingis the one that makes up all those effects that are part of the work and that users will be able to see. This is what needs to be determinedonce the surface is chosen and both the story and the message are created.

When choosing which effects to choose, it is essential that, whatever they are, they turn the projection into something dynamic and full of visual surprises for the viewer.

The equipment to use

As you can imagine, if you have aspectacular video mappingto show the world but you don’t have the equipment you need for it, nothing will matter. No one will be able to see it in its fullness.

For that reason, it is very important that the projector you use is the right one.

Why do video mapping?

As always, we like to make a small conclusion at the end of the articles. And this time it was not going to be different.

Mapping isatechnique that provides incredible results, provided, of course, that it is done properly and with the necessary means to guarantee the best quality.

In addition, it is ideal for use in events of all kinds, since it can give very visual and surprising works.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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