How To Advertise Your Thermal Product Manufacturing Business Online

Social Media 1

n the modern world, where everyone is continuously connected, making sure that you have an effective digital presence is vital to be sure that your brand receives enough exposure and generates leads effectively. As more and more individuals access information about businesses and products online, it doesn’t work anymore to rely only on newspaper ads, commercials, and telemarketing for B2B marketing.

It’s important to put a multi-point approach into place as these marketing methods evolve so that you can stay ahead of the game and make sure that all the potential leads possible are aware of your manufacturing company.

We’ve listed out some of the numerous ways that you can advertise your thermal manufacturing company online, creating valuable leads.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media provides numerous ways to generate leads and market, helping businesses to build connections with other professionals in their industry, as well as potential customers. As you share important, useful content on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, you can establish your business and yourself as a leader in the industry, spending time interacting directly with the users of these sites, as they come to you for important tips and information. This will help you to create a network of leads naturally. About 50% of modern B2B researchers are millennials, so social media is vitally important as you work to connect with the purchasing managers of various companies.

Utilizing paid social ads is also very effective as you work to boost awareness of your brand, as the ads you post will be shown to specific users of the site based on the browsing profile and history. Facebook advertisements, for example, don’t require that you have a previous connection with the individuals that your ad will be shown to, only that their user profile matches up with your advertisement. Then your ad will appear either beside their newsfeed or as sponsored content that is worked into the newsfeed itself.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertisements

Another useful paid option for digital advertising, PPC ads let businesses pay a fee every time that a user clicks on one of their ads. This type of ad, unlike organic lead generation, is a method for buying visits to your site and is highly effective for increasing traffic. Companies often opt to have this type of ad show up on search engines. After you’ve launched a successful campaign, this fee will seem quite small when you compare it to the business that you’re bringing in through the ads. Research has demonstrated that users click on paid search ads a lot more frequently than they respond to other forms of digital ads, if the ad is directly correlated to what a person is searching for, they seem to mind it significantly less.

Starting a PPC campaign tends to involve a good deal of trial and error, but Google Adwords tries to make the process as straightforward as possible. After they get started, companies can build out a campaign that’s based on where they want to advertise and when, as well as building out a list of negative and positive keywords. PPC campaigns can also be customized for a wide range of budgets so that they can be run for a minimal cost.

PPC ad campaigns offer benefits for numerous types of campaigns, while normal PPC ad campaigns often include selecting keywords manually and bidding on them, programmatic PPC is for much larger campaigns, and you can use software to manage relevant ads for large campaigns and data automatically. This allows you to create giant campaigns and run them without dedicated a large amount of time.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a vital part of running an effective ad campaign, and now, due to the collection and analysis of large amounts of customer data, email lists can be broken up so that specific users with specific characteristics can be contacted; for example, you can send one email out to design engineers and another one out to procurement managers. This lets you target a variety of people who work throughout the purchasing process.

The referrals you’ve collected from trade shows, online conversions, and running ad campaigns need to be continually kept engaged with ongoing useful content, and using email is an inexpensive and time-effective way to do this. Contacting potential leads regularly with industry-specific useful information will also help you to keep your company at the forefront of their thoughts.

With the modern tracking software that’s available today, it’s easier that it’s ever been to create A/B testing and determine the best and most effective way to gain new clients and keep them for the long term. One group of people on your mailing list, for example, could get a message that has a slightly different headline or call to action than the others, and you can then track the open rates and conversions from those emails. You can then use the information that you gather and use it to compose the best email campaign you possibly can, using all of the effective pieces that you’ve researched.

Bonus: Use Direct Mail

While social media, email marketing, and PPC ads are all great techniques for digital advertising, one traditional advertising method that has remained far more effective than you’d expect is direct mail. Direct mail maintains a high response rate at about 4%, and responses are also quite fast. The CMO Council states that 79% of individuals take action with their direct mail right away, while only 45% of individuals act on their email immediately.

Direct mail is also tangible as a source of information and has become a bit of a novelty in the modern digital world. Handwritten notes or specially wrapped letters or packages can also grab the recipient’s attention, making a huge difference in helping a consumer keep your company top of mind.

These specific approaches can be quite expensive, though. When you combine postage, custom printing, and paper, even something as simple as a flyer can become expensive over time. It’s also difficult to track who is opening your mail and who is discarding it unopened.


Listing your specific business on is one of the best ways to gain exposure for your company and attract a network of leads. A multifaceted network of suppliers, ThomasNet works to connect sellers and B2B buyers, working to streamline the sourcing of products and discovering suppliers. There is more buying activity in the industrial and B2B sectors taking place on than anywhere else online, with a buyer meeting a supplier almost every two seconds using this site.

Our platform creates a place for manufacturers to grow their businesses efficiently, by showing off the services and products to buyers that are looking for those specific products and services, instead of marketing to anonymous online traffic.


About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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