Connected: Business Uses For Cloud Computing

Key business uses for cloud computing

Many businesses believe they need to start small when they start their company. Because of that, many of them don’t invest in IT infrastructure that will help their businesses grow. The good news is that this isn’t true anymore.

Cloud computing is changing the game by providing an excellent way for businesses to access IT tools. When 67% of enterprise companies use the cloud in some way, you can rest assured that it’s worth investing in.

Knowing the uses for cloud computing in business is essential for finding the right tools for the job. Below are the most popular cloud computing software companies use today.

Infrastructure As a Service

It’s not easy to set up an IT infrastructure for a business. Many people believe it’s only a matter of buying a server and connecting the wires. There’s much more to it than that.

That’s why so many companies don’t rely on their own internal IT infrastructure. Some of them operate solely in the cloud. However, not every company can afford not to have networking in the office.

That’s where infrastructure as a service helps. This cloud service provides networking, authentication, and storage to end-consumers. In most cases, these companies operate on a pay-as-you-go model. You can reduce costs and reduce complexity by only paying for the infrastructure you need.

Test Environments

The last thing you want to do is set up an IT system or application and have it not work correctly when users start using it for the first time. Unfortunately, this happens more than you think. It’s hard to do testing at scale when you have nowhere to make those tests happen.

Cloud environments offer a way to mimic your company’s IT infrastructure in the cloud. You can set up a system that looks exactly like your new configuration before you make the change.

You can use this ability to test changes before you roll them out company-wide. On top of that, you can write testing scripts in the cloud that help you automate many of those tests. This ability lets you launch successful upgrades with fewer problems for your users.

Analyze Data

With how much data there is to analyze today, it’s hard to know how powerful of machines you need to make data analysis possible. In many cases, small and medium-sized businesses don’t have the resources to purchase those machines.

That’s why there are now software as a service applications that offer this to customers. Instead of buying expensive hardware yourself, you can upload your data to the cloud and have a third-party company run analysis on your software.

The most significant advantage of doing this is reporting. You can set up custom reports to get detailed information about your business, market, and customers.

In some cases, you can sign up for an analysis program to have a machine learning algorithm analyze your data. Doing this has the potential of giving you insights into your data that you may not have thought of on your own.


With all the data you use in business these days, it takes a lot of storage to hold everything. If you try to store everything in the office, you’ll continue buying new hard drives and end up with a server mess. Going this route isn’t scalable.

Cloud computing offers you scalable storage for all your data needs. You only pay for as much storage as you need, so you don’t waste any more money on unneeded hard drives.

Cloud storage solutions are also a great way to backup your data. Your provider will regularly back up your files to ensure you can recover your files in case of data loss.

Collaboration Tools

Since people don’t only work in the office anymore, you will need to change up how you communicate with your team. While you can use email to handle a lot of communication, it isn’t the best option for everything.

That’s why you need to invest in cloud computing communication tools to streamline your communication process. Here are a few options you have to choose from:

  • Internal chat room messaging
  • Project management commutation boards
  • Note sections in software packages
  • Video conferencing

You may have more options to choose from depending on what industry you work in. Examine your current workflow and determine what it will take to translate it online. That will tell you what communication features you need and which software you need to buy.

Business Continuity

With how reliant we are on computers to run organizations, it’s a big problem if something ever goes offline. Unfortunately, it’s hard to build redundant systems when you do everything in the office. A power or internet outage can cripple a company until the problem gets resolved.

Working in the cloud means you can take advantage of redundant systems. Big cloud companies have backup systems in place to ensure your apps stay online if there’s ever a problem.

This means that you can rest easy that everything you need to do your job is available at all times. All you need is an internet connection.

Management Solutions

The work world doesn’t only operate in person anymore. A lot of employees have started to work remotely and on their own time. The question is, do those employees have access to the same tools necessary to handle their jobs?

There are now many management programs in the cloud that allow people to work from anywhere. From a transport management system to general project management software, there’s probably a program for every occasion.

These programs will give you the tools to set up projects and manage your company systems from anywhere in the world.

The Number of Uses for Cloud Computing Will Continue to Grow

The number of cloud computing applications is already significant, but that doesn’t mean the cloud computing industry won’t grow even more in the future. As time goes on, technology companies will continue expanding on the uses for cloud computing. Keep updated with the latest cloud trends to ensure your company can make use of the newest tools.

Of course, there are many other ways you can use tech to improve how your company works. Check out the most recent articles to learn more.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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