How to Use Instagram Live Video for Business Purpose Effectively

What is meant by Instagram Live Video

Instagram live video is the feature of the Instagram story and it offers the user to start live broadcasting with the followers or audience. As you know the Instagram stories are shown on the top of the Instagram home page, if anybody on live video it will also shown with the icon “Live” on the top of the home page. For watching the live video just need to click on the live video story.

How Instagram live video is beneficial for Business

Every day almost 500 million people from all over the world are using the Instagram so you can imagine how much strong community Instagram have. Instagram has the community of 1 billion users and 80% of the users have follow minimum one business account. The question is how Instagram live video is beneficial for the business? The live video always appear on the top of the homepage and on the first position as well as your followers also get the notification that you are on live video. Instagram live video helps you to create the live interaction with the followers and it is the best way for increasing more engagement with the users. Do you know 30% of the Instagram users are purchasing the products from the Instagram, when they see the product first time on Instagram. The Instagram live video also helps you to increase your sales, if you are introducing the products on the live video.

How to Use Instagram Live video

We hope you have understood what actually Instagram live video is and how it is beneficial for your business. Now we discuss how to use the Instagram live video more effectively. Using Instagram live feature is very easy, you just need to follow a few steps.

1. Create the Schedule

Consistency is the key to success. If you want the better engagement and more followers on your Instagram profile then you need to set a schedule for the live streaming. Such as if you decided to go live on the Saturday 9pm then you can set this timing as the weekly event, that’s how your audience will look forward to your live streaming.

2. Set your Goals

Before starting the live video you need to identify why are you going for the live streaming which means you need to identify what will you do, what will say to your audience. Mostly people are going for live broadcast for developing the relations with the followers, increasing the followers, can collect the emails or increasing the product sales. We know you want all these from Live video but we recommend don’t do all these things on one live video. The best way is to prioritize each one by one on different live broadcast, this is how you can gain more than you are expecting.

3. Choose the Theme

The user on the Instagram don’t like boring live streaming, you need to do such things on the video streaming that keep the audience on the live instagram video. There are the most popular three formats or themes those will really help to achieve your goal.

  • Question Answer Sessions: The Question Answer session is the best methodology to gain more engagements because people love to watch these kinds of videos. Before this session you can upload a post in which you allow the users to ask the question then in live streaming you will answer their questions.
  • Introduce the Products: If you are near to launch the new product or you are going to announce the upcoming events then you can promote through the Instagram Live video. But remember don’t tell the followers completely about the upcoming product just for increasing the curiosity in the followers
  • Do Collaboration with Influencers: This is the best way for getting the engagement in huge amount. You can get lots of likes on your video streaming just because of the Influencer. On live streaming there are only two ways for getting more likes the first one is you can buy Instagram likes monthly and the second one is start a live streaming with influencer.

4. Go to Instagram Camera

Now it’s time to start the live video. As we mentioned above the Instagram live is the feature of the Instagram story so for starting the live streaming you need to go to Instagram story camera. For accessing the Instagram camera click on the camera icon on the left top or swipe to the right. If you are opening the Instagram camera for first time then first you need to grant access permission.

5. Choose Instagram Live

The Instagram camera will offer you different types of content to share on the Instagram story such as Live, Boomerang, focus, Rewind, Normal and other 4 options. But for starting the live streaming you need to choose the Live.

6. Share Your Stream to Other Social Platforms

Whenever you start the live streaming must ask even force your audience again and again to share the live streaming on their social accounts. This methodology will help you in gaining more views on the live video. While any person share the live stream only link of the video will share. If anybody wants to access the video then need to click on the link.

7. End the Live Video

When you have done with the live streaming never end the live video directly. First thanks to viewers and appreciate them for example you can say thank you for spending your precious time. Now you can end the video just click on the End button. You can save the live streaming gallery, as well as you can also share on the Instagram story for 24 hours or on highlights for long term.


In this article we have teach you the value of the Instagram live video. You can gain lots of benefits in promoting your business or brand. It is the best way for gaining more engagements and increasing followers. Use the Instagram live video according to our tips. We bet you will get lots of benefits

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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