
SEOis natural positioning and many times it can bring us more than a headache when we carry out ourInbound Marketing” strategy . Nowadays brands give great importance to the good study of their contents and the errors that should be avoided when they are displayed on Google.

That is why here we leave you the10 SEO mistakesthat we must avoid in our digital strategies:

1. The «keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the technique of spam in the oldest search engines, from Google to the most modest of them. This technique consists of usingkeywords excessively with the intention of positioning better than you should.

Keywords are an essential ingredient in SEO, but abusing them causes“embarrassment”to Google and its algorithm.

2. The broken links

Broken links are the shortest way for our website to earn a bad reputation among search engines.Some of our recommendations is the use of tools to analyze the situation of the links and check them periodically, in order not to err in our SEO.

3.Copy other people’s content

The difference between doing it right and wrong is in benefit or harm to the original author. Copying contentis not only illegalbut it will give us a good slap on the wrist from Google, and it will affect our reputation and SEO.

4. Duplicate your own content

Search engines interpret content as duplicate when it can be accessed fromtwo different URLs.When that happens, they penalize the domains that containthem,relegating themselves to bad positions in the search results.Duplicating content is a bad practice that Google will not hesitate to make us ugly by putting the scissors in our«search ranking.

5. Poor quality content

The effects of bad content are many, and the presence ofgrammar and spelling errorscan suggest that companiesare not paying enough attention to the details of their content.In the same way, these errors are promoting that usersdo not have a good experience when they access the web pages of the companies, since they are difficult to read and understand, so it is possible that they stop visiting them.

6. Repeated “Title Tags”

By repeating ”title tags” we will unnecessarily mislead Google spiders and Internet users.Good titles are essential for our SEO to be good.

7. Meta Repeated descriptions

The meta descriptionis an important tag for SEO, and not because it helps in rankings, but because itserves to provide a description of the contentof the page to search engines. Meta descriptions should benot only different on each pagebut also sufficientlydescriptive and persuasive.

8. Non-credible links

Do not make the mistake of giving links to websites withlittle or no credibility.This would affect our own image and decrease the credibility of our content. There arelinks that take us to external pages with information from authors that we generally do not know.It is therefore important to specify which links interest us and how they influencethe consumers’ vision of our identity.

9. Ignore analytics

It is very important tomeasure the traffic of your websitebecause otherwise you will not be able to know how your SEO is or how to improve it.Analyticshelp us put an end to the typical mistakes that are made when publishing content.

10. Optimize the wrong keywords

The words have to be calculated with measure, not only the simple labeling matters but the correct relationship with the public. Knowing what the target audience is looking to read is the basis of the correct keywords.

The difference between a good or badpositioningisdirectly proportionalto the degree of knowledge you have of the use of SEO and the details that make the difference. Not only must the amount of links, keywords, content and tags that we put into account, but the quality of these and their correct dissemination must be prioritized.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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