All you need to know about Video marketing

Video marketing

Video marketing is a strategy made by marketers to create and produce videos for promoting their brand on various social media platforms. It’s the most simple and easy-to-digest way to keep audiences engaged with the brand.

According to Hubspot, 85% of brands have chosen video as their essential marketing tool, and 92% of marketers believe that video marketing is one of the most critical factors of their marketing strategy.

The fact that video marketing is one of the trendiest and the most preferred ways of spreading awareness about your brand is not hidden. Not only video marketing helps you entertain your viewers, but it also gives them a break from continually swiping through text-heavy content. Google says that 6 out of 10 users prefer watching video content over television.

If you are a business owner and want to make your company visible in the market, Wisconsin video marketing services can help you. These videos are an efficient way to attract potential customers. The audio and visual elements present in the videos make them irresistible to the viewers. Moreover, they can increase the conversion rate of leads to sales and make the business gain recognition from various search engines. In addition to that, embedding videos on the website of a company earns brownie points with popular search engines.

Videos have a dominance almost overall social media platforms and are known to give high ROI. 88% of marketers agree to the fact that video marketing has given them a positive ROI. They are also the easiest way to convey a message most entertainingly. Videos are the most consumed media across the internet, and probably that is why the world watches 1 billion hours of YouTube every day.

With the help of current technology, sharing and producing videos have become one of the easiest things. Video marketing can be used for many things, for example: promoting brand services, educating people about your product, expert conversation, live streaming events, and much more.

After all of this there still lies some of the other doubts about video marketing, hence; Here are some myths busted about Video marketing:

1. Video Marketing can exhaust your budget:

Not at all! In fact, 59% of companies spend only10%of their marketing budget on creating videos. If planned efficiently, video production can sometimes cost nothing. With the camera phones of today, giving tough competition to DSLR and many other free video editing tools will help you create your Instagram video in minutes! Also, research shows that audiences tend to believe in videos that are of low quality and look more natural or raw.

2.Video marketing is time-consuming:

By the time we finish saying this sentence, small businesses out there are creating 510 videos on average. When one watches a video with graphics and fancy text, it’s natural for them to think that this video might have consumed a lot of time! But it’s not true, with the help of a high-end phone camera that can be found in anyone’s pockets video shooting can be quick and can be shot anywhere. There are a lot of video-making apps that help you with pre-designed video templates to give a fancy look to your videos and can edit a supercool video within seconds.

3.Viral videos are the ones that work :

It’s a common misconception that a video is good if it goes viral. Still, while thinking about the video going viral, we forget the main purpose of video marketing which is:

  • Audience engagement: the audience or to be more specific, your target group should relate to the video produced.
  • Brand Awareness: Videos are the most fun and easiest way to say a lot about your brand within a minute, and that enough for brand awareness.
  • Educating the customer: Even if the video produced by your brand reaches the right target group and is liked by them, but they have no idea about how to use your product or services, here is when videos can come to use. A simple video of step-by-step instructions about the process of using the product or the services will produce more ROI than a viral video.

4.Videos are difficult to track:

If you are using platforms like YouTube, then tracking the performance of your videos can be tricky since it only shows the number of videos posted. Tracking video can be brutal if a proper tool is not used—platforms like Bird. Tv can help you gain sufficient data on how well your video has worked. Research shows that 36% of companies have started using video tracking tools as these are assets that will help your brand perform efficiently on digital marketing platforms.

5.Videos cannot be reused:

This is one of the most absurd myths about videos as they are the most versatile digital asset a brand can possess. Videos produced for social media can be used in emails for increasing open rates and can be used for boosting click-through rates of landing pages. Marketers can use different Instagram video lengths to recycle already produced videos. A live-streamed video can be cut short and edited into an IGTV or a review video on Youtube can be edited to be uploaded as a social media post. If planned smartly, videos can be recycled again and again.

But how can one get started on producing quality and engaging videos?

Well, here are some applications/ tools that will help you with pre-designed video templates and easy editing tools to produce good quality videos for video marketing.

  • InVideo
  • Quik
  • Open Shot
  • Movie Maker
  • VSDC free video editor
  • Lightworks
  • Shot Cut
  • blender render farm
  • Da Vici Resolve
  • Hit Film Express
  • Machete Video Editor Lite


Video marketing is not as intimidating as it might seem to be; it can be easy, cost-efficient, versatile, and relatable to your target group and is easy to track. Embrace videos and keep producing more and more quality videos with the help of small tips given in this blog.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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