Unlocking Social Media Intelligence from Big Data

Visualization of social media intelligence and big data analytics

Social Media Intelligence is the future… or perhaps the present. It is a complete and useful listening and monitoring process that provides a multidimensional view of the state of a brand on the Internet , its consumers, promotions, influencers and reputation. It is a deep analysis of the digital ecosystem. The global understanding of who we are and what they say about us and our competitors in real time!

Users of Social Networks , many times without knowing it, bombard us with data about their lives, customs, family environment, preferences, tastes, information processes and decision-making in purchases… If we know how to listen, process this “data” in time real and use this information appropriately, we will obtain extremely valuable information to achieve our goals, all thanks to this source of added value that opens the doors to a higher level of strategic decision-making, in addition to optimizing processes, fine-tune decision-making, as well as saving time and money.

Undoubtedly, Social Intelligence requires the transmission of an enormous range of data to filter and classify billions of daily social conversations through the immense social media universe ( BIG DATA ), which extends far beyond Facebook and Twitter . It also incorporates a complex concept model (much more useful) instead of keyword lists to identify the strategic concepts of discussion through an infinite number of social expressions. This means that it arises from a more scientific, reliable and useful approach than that of simple keywords.

Benefits: Perhaps the main advantage of Social Intelligence is that it provides a very specific idea of ​​the current state of a brand and its competitors. From here, it is possible to carry out the elaboration of strategic maps that include the preferences and tastes of the clients, the consumption profiles, the moments of greatest sales opportunity, how to influence as well as the analysis of the follower’s sentiment, taking into account Present what the competition is doing and anticipate their possible movements. These reports are key to guiding decision-making and developing a much more precise and well-founded strategy, taking fewer risks from threats and finding new opportunities for the brand.

Another differential factor of Social Intelligence is its ease in finding a solution that encompasses both technological advances, knowledge of the business world and marketing techniques, in order to discover and apply innovative knowledge and practices for winning brands. batman-bigdata

To process the billions of daily social conversations through millions of sources from Social Media/Big Data , it is necessary to use sophisticated technology in continuous development, a scientific treatment of data to obtain intelligence through so much content , know the world of the company and the markets, so that all this is actionable and simplifies the management of the brands in the SM. Hence the enormous potential of this process…

¿Why is it so important? Social Intelligence is the ideal process for brands seeking to fully understand their markets, buyers, consumers and competitors. On the other hand, it is also perfect for companies looking to detect and track new social threats on the Internet.

Therefore, Social Intelligence goes beyond listening to a conversation and understanding the specific details of it. It is to understand what your public feels and seeks. And this information, when accurate, is “gold” !

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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