In this society of communications and its speed, more and more clients ask me about the effectiveness of Social Networks. I can say that more and more digital marketers are convinced of the results and the effectiveness of the proper use of social networks. However, there are still many doubts regarding its use, platforms, types of messages, frequency, etc. For this reason, theMarketing Landportal published the main questions and answers related to the subject. I leave you the most relevant in my opinion

  • How do I start my brand profile?

The first thing is to create accounts on the different platforms: Twitter, Facebook and, depending on the profile, LinkedIn. Then create content that may be of interest to your target audience. Once you have enough valuable information in your publications, the ideal is to promote it through paid ads, to increase its visualization and reach potential interested parties.

  • What platforms do you have to be on?

Some platforms stand out, the most popular for example, for business, the main ones being Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn; normally this presence is done in conjunction with aGoogle AdWordscampaign.

The audience, objectives, resources and measurements that are made after starting the management must be taken into account. Context is key to success.

  • What kind of messages are the best and how to handle different platforms?

You have to generate attractive, interesting content with little text that highlights the added value of the product or service. The more messages related to users and their needs, the better; nowadays people are fascinated by the acquisition of knowledge, so the information must be practical and useful.

In terms of monitoring, there are tools that allow you to monitor market interests, such asGoogle Trends, which will help prepare content that is more appropriate to the tastes and needs of your audience.

On the other hand, there are many applications that help measure the results of social media marketing campaigns. The important thing is to adapt the tones of the communication depending on the platform on which you carry out your work, since they all have their own language.

  • How often should I post?

In digital marketing everything will depend on the platform that is used, the content and the strategic objective. In general, the entries refer to tips, product details or other information. Each audience is unique, so your information must be analyzed to determine the best times for broadcast.

  • What to do with negative comments?

You always have to engage and retain the audience that we reach. Negative feedback should often be taken as an invitation to improve, so it is recommended that you address it quickly and diplomatically, addressing yourself in a personal and close way, trying to channel your concerns.

  • Small businesses going international, should they have global or market-specific accounts?

Doing both, on social networks is not a bad idea, but everything will depend on the content you are going to promote. If the company is fully aligned, a single global account could work, as long as the content is of interest to all markets.

  • What metrics indicate that apostwas successful?

Again it will depend on him or the objectives, but there are indicators such as likes, conversion rate, time in the article, and, of course, purchases. “The number of followers is often just a number if you are not doing anything with them.” In short, a post was successful if you achieved the objectives proposed in your campaign.

  • What audience size should an ad target?

In the beginning, the goal should be to increase the number of followers of your target audience. In a second step, a good idea is to extend the offers to people who are not followers of your page.

  • How do I bring my database audience to the RRSS?

If you have information such as email, phone or, better yet, usernames on Facebook or Twitter, you can use the specialized services offered by both platforms to target those audiences.

  • When should you useretmarketing or retargeting?

It is recommended that this technique to recapture those curious who browse your site, be carried out with PPC (pay per click) campaigns, because retargeting is aimed only at Internet users who have already visited a site or store, but who have not completed an action. They are a group of customers with a high probability of converting.

  • What will be the next great platform in RRSS?

There is still no absolute certainty about which new platforms will dominate in the coming years. However, some speculate that Pinterest will be the trend, while others consider networks that focus on niches, such as Snapchat. Anyway, the following must be kept in mind: Pinterest, Amazon and Apple.

For some time now, the area of ​​social media marketing is highly dynamic and changing. The invitation is to always keep up to date with new launches, analysis and success stories that are discussed in the area ofDigital Marketing

I hope that with the proper and optimal use of your social networks, you will be able to attract your potential clients and increase your sales.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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