What Is the Ideal Client Profile and What Is It For?

Understanding the Ideal Client Profile

The Ideal Client profile is one of the key figures in a Marketing and Sales Strategy. Previously we talked about target or target audience, but as we learn much more about people, we can now identify a very specific profile of our Ideal Client with the aim of prioritizing their identification and management.

Why Is It Important to Create the Ideal Customer Profile?

In B2B activities it is a very important tool due to the amount of time invested in capturing, onboarding and managing each client. Without a doubt, it is vital to ensure that you are working with the ideal clients.

In B2C it is also an essential tool if you want to scale your business properly. Before replicating the business model to scale, it is vital to ensure that we are capturing the attention and interest of the ideal customers.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

Your ideal client is the one that is most profitable for your business, but also allows you to have a sustainable relationship over time.

It is important to think about the entire Customer value chain, placing more emphasis, if possible, on what happens after the Sale. It is worth nothing to sell the first time if we are not able to build loyalty and accompany our Clients on their journey.

For this reason, the profile of the ideal client must meet these two criteria:

  • Profitability criteria. Those clients that are more profitable for your company.

Among the profitability criteria, we will select people and/or companies that belong to a specific segment of the population, according to the size of the company, the volume of employees and, in general, all those criteria that your most profitable clients meet.

  • Sustainability criteria. Those customers who are most suitable, with whom we can establish a sustainable business relationship over time.

Depending on your value proposition, specialization and the characteristics of your company, you always add more value to some people/companies than to others. Think about it!

Among the suitability criteria will be the variables of geographical location, values ​​aligned to yours, level of satisfaction with your product/service, their level of valuation of your Brand… In general, all these characteristics (except those related to profitability) that make you a perfect supplier for this type of client.

As you can see, the ideal client profile usually has several levels of suitability. It is clear that we should tend to work with this ideal client, but we are not going to drastically limit the market for that. It is therefore a process goal.

What Is the Ideal Client Profile and What Is It For?

As we mentioned before, with all the data that we now have about our prospects and clients in our CRM, it is possible to identify, qualify and prioritize the management of the people and companies that meet this profile.

Something that companies are already doing is automating a process in their CRM so that all those people or companies that meet all the requirements of the ideal customer profile are prioritized for certain marketing campaigns or to create an action as quickly as possible by a sales representative.

Difference Between Buyer Persona and Ideal Client

The Buyer Persona and the Ideal Customer Profile are two different but related things.

The Ideal Client Profile in B2B companies refers to a company profile, which includes the business and suitability criteria of the companies that are most in tune with your Strategy . While the B2B Buyer Persona is the graphic representation of the interlocutor in charge of buying or contracting your products or services in his company and that we identify him by the position he occupies in his company (CEO, Purchasing Manager, HR Manager, CTO… .).

In the case of B2C it is different and both are People. While the Buyer Persona profile is a graphic representation with its own characteristics in terms of the challenges, behavior and problems of the People,the ideal B2C customer profile describes the criteria or variables of profitability and suitability of these people, related to your business.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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