10 Characteristics of a Progressive Web Application

Key characteristics of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

The popularization of smartphones has led to the emergence of mobile apps. The app stores are full of applications for all kinds of needs, from listening to music, playing games and even managing finances.

An app is nothing more than a computer program specially designed to be used on a mobile device. Just like conventional desktop or laptop software, apps are developed for the operating system they’re going to be installed on.

Mobile devices, the germ of apps

Android, iOS or Windows Phoneare the operating systems of the smartphones we use. Some phones already have some applications pre-installed, while others can be downloaded for free from theapp store. In some cases, the apps are paid or freemium, with free basic features and payment plans.

Theappsthat we knew until now could benative, web and hybrid apps. Basically they differ in that the first ones must be downloaded, the second ones are used through the browser and the third ones are a combination of the previous ones.

Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, as well as causing some confusion for users.The new PWA apps come to solve all the drawbacks of conventional apps.

What changes with PWAs?

PWAs or progressive web applications have been a revolution in the world of apps, which is why many experts say that they will make the rest disappear. But why are they so innovative?

The first thing that strikes us about PWAs is that theywork in a similar way to a web page but can also be used like native apps. At first, you might think that they are nothing more than hybrid apps, but their functionalities go much further.

Characteristics of PWAs

The PWAs can be installed on the mobile but this is not necessary to have the same tasks simply through the web. That is,they do not need installation. Thanks to this they offer important advantages:

  • betterperformance
  • Very shortloading times
  • Interfacesimilar to that of a native app
  • automaticupdate
  • They do not take upmemory space
  • responsivedesign
  • Betteruser experience
  • pushnotifications
  • TLSsecure protocol
  • No internet connection

The technology used to develop PWAs provides across-platform, browser- and operating-system-independent system. This means that it is not necessary to develop a specific programming for each operating system, whichgreatly reduces costs.

Its operation is supported byService Worker technology, thanks to which the apps work without accessing the browser, like native apps. Another of its strong points is theApp Shell, with which the user can see the layout and interface without waiting.

The advantages provided by “Progressive Web Apps” technology are enormous. With a user experience similar to a mobile application, they can work without an Internet connection or perform tasks in the background. As they do not require installation, they eliminate one of the great drawbacks of apps, the lack of space on the smartphone.

For an organization, it presents additional advantages, such as the use of the same technology regardless of the device, avoiding dependence on application stores. Who gives more?

All of these features makePWAs more versatile, affordable, and functional than native apps.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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