The power of business communication through social media

social media

If you are still one of those who believe that your company does not need to have a presence on social networks, or that it is only for personal use, or you do not see it as a business marketing tool, you are missing the opportunity tocommunicatewith your customers directly , to increase brand recognition, to attract potential customers…. In short, you are not going to take advantage of all the potential to increase your sales.

What are you going to improve with the use of social networks?

One of the compelling reasons to use social networks is that almost60% of the world population and istoin line, and the latest trends suggest that more than half of the population of the uses world social networks in 2020 That means that your product / service has no borders and can easily reach any corner and that there is a percentage of people who discover new products through these types of platforms. In this graph we can see how the use of different social networks has evolved both in Spain and in the world in recent years.

On the other hand, if you share quality content,increasingtos trAFICO to your web; This demonstrates the importance of lead generation since social networks easily provide a way for potential customers to express interest.

It improves the image of the brand,social networks allow us to humanize the brand and manage our reputation,communicatewith our followers / clients more closely, make ourselves better known by choosing the platforms of our audience. Another of the great advantages is the customer service that we can offer, immediately answering any message, question, comment. This allows us to respond both to those who congratulate or praise us, through gratitude; as if they criticize us, answering with explanations or apologies if they were necessary or even giving your version to a hoax or something that is being said and is not true.

You can get informaciónof your target audience. Social networks provide us with very detailed information regarding age, lifestyle, place of origin, preferences, opinions … It allows us to monitor the conversations that our brand provokes, to calibrate the sentiment. And it also gives us a lot of information about our competition and be aware of all the news in our sector. The better we know our audience, the better we can adapt our communication strategy on social media.

Low-cost advertising,campaigning on social networks is a much cheaper way and allows us to segment very well according to our objectives.

But not all social networks are for all companies, before deciding the social network in which we want to be, we have to analyze our sector and our audience since it is not about being there, but where our audience is. In this graph we can see the social networks with the most users at the beginning of this year:

According to the data in this report, we can draw the following conclusions about the trends of Spanish users on social networks:

  • In Spain there is great interest in audiovisual content (YouTube) The ranking presented by the report shows us thatYouTubeis still the social network most used by Spaniards. The most active users are teenagers.
  • Facebookin Spain, according to data from the company itself, has lost more than two million users compared to 2019, that is, it is at 2015 levels. The profile of users is getting older, now being between 40 and 64 years. Women are the most active users.
  • Twitteris a network that has also lost audience, but activity has grown, that is, there are fewer users but they are more active.
  • Instagramcontinues to have a user growth of 6% making it a stable social network. Most users are between 18 and 39 years old, but more and more users between 40 and 65 years old are joining.
  • The novelty, Tik Tok,is the one that is giving the most to talk about. Audiovisual content in short format which makes it the network of Generation Z, who tend to communicate through networks that are fast, easy and ephemeral. It will be necessary to see how it evolves.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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