Best time to post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in 2021

socila media

When a brand publishes in the best hours it ensures its growth.

Social networks are part of our daily life. From the moment we wake up we stay connected in some way; either by WhatsApp, by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,LinkedInor any other social network.

This has benefited us in several ways. For the average user it is a way to connect with the rest of the world, and for brands it is an opportunity to make themselves known and reach the right customer.

Therefore,if what you want is to make the most of your brand’s social networks, then you should know what are the best times to publish, so that your content stands out from the rest.

The best times to post on social networks

If you’re wondering if there is a magic schedule that works for all posts, the answer is no.

So how are you going to know when is the best time to post?

To know what hours and days are best topublish on social networks in 2021we must take into account several things, since there is no universal table that tells us that “at that time” we must publish on all our networks. Each of them needs special treatment, because their users have different needs and habits.

A Facebook user will not generally use the social network at the same time as a LinkedIn user.

In addition, it also depends on the sector of your brand.A company that is dedicated to education is not the same as one that is dedicated to the sale of clothing. For that same reason we see that brands that are already positioned publish at different times, because they already have a community that better respond to certain schedules.

Analyzing and understanding all this helps you have a good social media strategy.

Although each company has its formula to reach its target audience, it is true that there are some schedules that will help you to start on the right foot.

For example, speaking of slightly more general schedules, we have that the following are the moments where there is more user traffic in 2021:

  • OnFacebookwe have that the best times areWednesdays at 11:00 am, and between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm.
  • OnTwitter,the best time is earlier:Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m.
  • LinkedInvaries a bit more, withWednesdaysbeingbetween 8:00 am and 10:00 am, Thursdays at 9:00 am and between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. And on Fridays again at 9:00.

As you can see, Wednesdays are the best days to post on any of the three social networks. However, the time itself varies between each network.

As we already mentioned before, this is only a guide for you, as each situation needs specific actions. So,here are some more specific information and tips, so you can start conquering social networks.

Best times to post on Facebook

Everybody has Facebook.Even those who were a bit resistant to social networks have their profile here.

For all that it offers, and for its large number of users,Facebook has become an indispensable social network in a digital marketing strategy.And it is that at the beginning this was not so, since this network was oriented to connect university students. Little by little it was transforming and adding tools that help businesses a lot.

That is why it is essential to learn to use everything that Facebook offers you —likeFacebook Messenger—, and to know the best time to publish your content, such asinfographics,podcasts, videos, conceptual arts, photographs, among others.

Previously we mentioned that Wednesdays at 11:00 and between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. were a good general schedule, however, when it comes to more specific sectors such as education and technology, things change.

What should you take into account for each sector?

For the consumer goods sector,you should take into account that your audience will have a better reception in their free hours and at lunch, soWednesdays at 1:00 a good time. Similarly, on Fridays there is usually more commitment.

On the other hand, inthe education sector,you would have more audiencein the morning when classes start, the same on Wednesdays. At the same time as on Saturday afternoons, since on that day there are usually no classes but they remain attentive to any educational activity.

One of the sectors with the highest range ofengagementis Media, or said in Spanish “media sector”, since most of the users usually enter Facebook every day for almost any reason.

The advantage of this sector is that, due to its type of services, it is a little easier for users to be interested in its content. A clear example of this are public figures. So the best time to post would beTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon, and Friday morning.

Thetechnology sectoris another with a large margin to publish. Again Wednesday is the highest point, but in itself the entire workweek there is a lot of activity on Facebook. Since people who work with technology use the internet in their work to carry out different activities. The recommended schedule would befrom 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.,which are the first hours before lunch.

Now, if your company is inthe health sector,you should know that working hours also apply. In general, from9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a good time to publish content. Wednesday still dominates the largest amount of engagement, however in this case it can work any day from Monday to Friday.

As we mentioned before, these schedules do not need to be strictly followed, since each company has its own situation and audience. There are tools that help you to measure the hours in which your customers have greater engagement with your brand.

For example,Metricooloffers you statistics that show you the growth of your page; gender of your followers, their age range and the activity of your posts. You can also generate reports; however, this option is only available for Premium accounts.

And don’t forget that Facebook has its own tools to view the statistics of your content, in addition to that you cancontact Facebook technical support incase any problem arises in the process.

Best times to post on Twitter

The way you use Twitter is very different from Facebook, and therefore you need different strategies.

As with many social networks, there was a time when Twitter was much easier. The Twitter microblogging was very personal, express. This type of content was consumed at the time and from there it was lost in the beginning, so the space for brands was a little more limited.

Today Twitter has evolved a lot.From “fav” we went to “like”, from microtexts we evolved to “threads” and the more frequent use of multimedia.

All these changes have allowed companies to use new and better marketing strategies for Twitter and itstrending topics.

Butwhat is the best time to post on Twitter? Can you do the same as with Facebook?

We already talked about the best time for Twitter being at 9:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays. But as you have to imagine, the hours vary depending on the sector.

For example, when it comes to theconsumer goods sectoron Twitter, we see that there is a big difference compared to Facebook. Since the best time to post and chat with your followers is Sunday,from morning until 5:00 p.m.

If your company is dedicated to consumer goods, you should pay special attention to managing the mentions of your followers. Since they will usually try to communicate with you through Twitter.

Regarding theeducation sector,we see less activity in the week but with more activity onSaturday afternoon, so you can generate more interactions with students and candidates that day.

Now,Twitter has become home to many opinion leaderswho chat about various topics all the time. At almost any time of the day we can find opinions on anything. If it is a newspaper, its frequency has to go depending on the news that comes out during the day.

So the publishing margin for media-focused businesses is very wide. We recommend using tools such asSprout Social, Metricool, andTwitter Analyticsto get a better idea of ​​what the best time is, which would generally beMonday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

As for thetechnology sectorcommunity, itis especially active on Twitter.On weekdays during business hoursyou can get a good level of commitment.

And what else should you know about Twitter?

One of its main characteristics is the ability to create conversations.Many of the topics of the moment are generated and discussed on Twitter.That is why it is not just about advertising and that’s it, but about generating valuable content that your audience can appreciate and from which it can generate such conversations.

Imagine Twitter as a world chat. This way you will be a few steps closer to being able to take full advantage of this social network.

The format that Internet users consume the most is video.Twitter allows you to upload videos and share them. Although at first it seems that the video does not have much relevance in a microblogging social network, the truth is that it does. Therefore, asa digital marketing agency, we recommend adding this format to your content list.

Twitter is a very powerful social network if you apply the right strategy.

Better times to post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network focused on connecting professionals and companies.

Many users create their profiles to be able to upload their work experience and thus improve their personal brand, however, not all of them get enough out of it.

LinkedIn has a more specific audience than Facebook and Twitter.Therefore, they do not apply the same strategies and the same publication times. This is so because this social network has a more serious personality.

All content that is directed to LinkedIn has to be of value, it has to contribute to your community. Unlike Twitter, which is more informal, on LinkedIn you have a space where users expect information that is useful to them in some way.

LinkedIn schedules are a bit more general due to their format. For this reason, most sectors can coincide in the ideal publication times.

So what are the best times to post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn users have a higher degree of commitment during working hours, between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., but it can last until 4:00p.m.depending on the response of your community. While weekends are the days where fewer users are active.

The best thing for LinkedIn is to use the working hours of your sector, then analyze the behavior of your audience, see in what hours they react best to your publications and make the necessary adjustments.

Because it is a very particular social network, a little more personalization is needed when generating a strategy, and thatiswhywe recommend that you use the tools that we have already mentioned.

How to improve the schedules of your strategy?

Well they say that “timing is everything” and the same happens on social networks.

That is why if Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are part of your content marketing strategy, it is crucial that you do not stay only with the recommendations of the internet, but that you start using the platforms to collect data and see what works the most with your audience.

This is even more important when you know how difficult it is to position your posts organically on these platforms.For example, did you know that only 25% of the audience is believed to read tweets? That is why there are tools —such as CRMs— that allow you to know what your best schedules are, as well as the content that brings you the most traffic.

Another aspect that can make a difference is that you take into account whether your company isB2B or B2C, so that you have a clearer idea of ​​how your market behaves, and that you can create and distribute better content.

Indigital marketing trendswe also mentionthe importance of content in inbound marketingand digitalmarketing strategies.

We know that doing it is not easy because it takes a lot of time and effort, but do not let it get lost on the internet and make it reach the right people at the right time, so you will have a better chance of obtaining clients.

Conquer social networks

Bottom line: when published at the right time you get incredible results.

Even if you have a lot to offer your target, if you don’t “put it on the table” at the right time and place, they may overlook it. That is why we wrote this article, so that you can have a small guide to what hours are the best depending on each situation.

It is also essential to analyze the results once you test these schedules, because there will always be some small adjustments you can make. Each case is special and paying attention to detail is the key to many successful brands.

And now that you have the necessary tools to publish at the best time, remember to pay attention to the small details of your campaign, in order toavoid any crisis in your social networks.

The Internet is constantly evolving, likedigital marketing,that is why we must pay special attention to these changes, to adapt to trends, innovate and thus conquer the Internet.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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