The secret of email marketing

email marketing

If you are reading this article, it is very likely that, like us, you are one of the Internet users who were seduced more than once by online shopping, and the e-commerce market is becoming more irresistible every day. From coupons to months without interest, there are many strategies used to captivate the buyer and make them come back for more, today we will talk about the cornerstone of 80 of these strategies,email marketing.

The Internet is an increasingly competitive world for companies, the ease with which you can “enter” means that a hamburger vendor who is just starting out has the same possibilities as McDonalds. The Internet has managed, in part, to democratize the power of communication and create markets that are more egalitarian and fair every day. Today anyone can run anemail marketing campaign, the secret is to do it the right way to get results.

How can I do email marketing for my business?

The beginning

Getting started will be the most complex and difficult stage of the process, it usually takes time and requires a strong will not to throw in the towel. It is very normal to enter the visit counter on your site and find yourself with a practically apocalyptic panorama, almost almost with a desert plant rolling on your monitor, but don’t worry, as we said before, it is totally normal and itisevena good sign, the first step is always far from the end but it is the beginning of the journey.

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When we start we will almost certainly invest our savings in everything that will make our business work, from the website to the showcase, but we usually forget the important part, we need a little bit of that budget to make enough noise in our business , in other words, we run out of money to hire some advertising in any medium. If this is your case, we recommend that you continue reading the article, we are about to get to the point.

Get the emails

We are sure that more than once you have fallen into the “Leave your email and we will send you a coupon of $ 100 pesos in your first purchase” or in the already quite old “fill in your information and an advisor will contact you”, those messages are the cherry Of the pie in multiple mail marketing strategies, to put a name to it and to become a little familiar with the jargon of ”marketing agency“, it is known colloquially as Lead Magnet.

ALead Magnet is nothing but a gift that is given to the user in exchange for any action whatsoever, in our particular case it will be exploited to request contact information from your users, but it can be used for a thousand and one things, from doing Whether users watch a video or simply “like” some content, the limit is your imagination and what your campaign needs.

This gift can be, to say the least, a coupon or a free sample of your product. It is very difficult to find the correct Lead Magnet for your company but our experience has led us to define 3 important criteria:

  1. It must be very important to your audience
  2. It should not generate any cost to your company
  3. The action that you want your audience to execute must be totally overshadowed by the benefit that it will obtain from taking it, that is, your users must see it as “a bargain” to perform the requested action in exchange for the defined prize.

Divide and conquer

It is extremely important that you manage to define different types of audience,not all your clients are the same and that is why you need to treat them differently, pamper them with the intensity and frequency that each one wants.

To generate different user profiles, you can create different Lead Magnets and even have your users solve a questionnaire with different questions to help you classify them.

Let’s go to the examples, suppose we have a shoe store, we will give a coupon of $ 100 pesos in the first purchase and for that we need the following information: name, age and email. Once the user enters their data, we will classify them in the list “people who requested a coupon” and thus we will know that this type of user is looking for discounts, data that you can exploit in the future.

Of course, the strategy can be as complex as your business requires, to say the least, once the user uses their coupon we will know the type of product they like and we can put it in another classification, for example “users looking for discounts in men’s casual footwear ”and eventually be able to exploit these tastes more precisely.

Convert and retain

We are already very close to the goal, we have our first users in the database and some classifications, the next thing is to convert and build loyalty.

Converting your prospects can be the most complex part of the entire process, it is very important that you achieve harmony between the contact and the promotion, keep in mind that your users gave you data not for you to send them messages of “hey, buy me” but because they wanted to get something in return.

One of the strategies that has worked the most for us is the socalled “One-Two Punch“(To get out of the jargon of” agency “we use boxing because #biencreativos), this consists of having two previous contacts with the client and only if he shows interest we do a third, focused solely on sales, that is, only If the user opened the first two emails, we will send them a third with a totally sales focus. These first two emails should be more gifts for the type of user that you have on your list, going back to the example of casual shoes, we could send an article on “the 10 best shoes for a job interview” and another on “what they communicate your shoes ”, if we see an interest in the customer we can proceed to make a third contact with a promotion or an announcement of new products that might interest them.

Now, we already have our first clients, we have to classify and pamper them more than the rest. It is pertinent to continue with the “One-Two Punch” strategy and the third contact to do it differently, perhaps give another coupon or send an exclusive “night sale” notice for old clients, the case is always to take care of your clients so that they return and come back and go back and so on to infinity, we seek a long and lasting relationship.


Currently there are countless tools that allow you to execute mail marketing campaigns and even automate them, we recommend that you use mailchimp or campayn, which are quite intuitive platforms and with free plans to start all this without investing a single peso.

Now, if you already have to invest a little more, you can opt for the “pro” plans of those same platforms or, failing that and we hope so, send us an email so that we can help you create the best strategy for your company .

Tips and good practices for doing email marketing

Throughout the time that we have worked on this, the best advice we can give you is:flee from spam.

You must treat your contacts with customers in the best way, review the messages well, determine if it is really what you want to communicate and never become annoying. Think carefully about the frequency of your emails, even ask your users how often they want to receive them and determine whether or not it is pertinent to send that “happy secretary’s day” message, both your clients and all the email users in the world. we will appreciate it.

Finally, you have to take into account that there are tools on the market that will facilitate the preparation, design, development and monitoring of email marketing campaigns. One of those tools is CRM, which is important for internet marketing.

You must bear in mind that if you have already chosen to enter the world of CRM, that this tool not only does mail marketing, it has endless utilities that can trigger the sales of your company, since you can follow up on the capture of the leads, nurture them with the email marketing you design and you can monitor the process of each of these potential customers, we tell you a little more about: How to use CRM to grow sales? and How to automate the follow-up of your leads?

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

View all posts by Kushal Enugula

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