How to speed up the sales funnel of an e-commerce?

Strategies to speed up the e-commerce sales funnel

If you are looking for your customers to go through the entire sales funnel of your e-commerce in a faster way, you found the right information.Here you will learn to increase the sales of your e-commercewith some tricks and tactics that will accompany the user before they end up buying from you.

Having an effective strategy to optimize the sales funnel of an e-commerce is very important, since it is aboutdirecting the potential customer towards a future purchase. And as you will read, this is not an easy task and involves marketing management in one of the stages of the sales funnel.

In case you don’t remember, the digital or e-commerce sales funnel consists of 3 stages: The Top of the Tunnel (TOFU), Middle of the funnel (MOFU) and Bottom of the funnel (BOFU). Each of them has a different concept and various digital marketing strategies must be deployed so thatthe user does not abandon each stage. Don’t worry, we will explain these 3 stages in more detail later.

But, in order to detail each of the stages of the sales funnel and what actions should be taken to optimize them, first you will know what a sales funnel is, then you will know how it is composed and what actions you must take to accelerate this entire learning stage. . Let us begin!

Among all the strategies to increase sales that you can implement, the most important is the recovery of shopping carts.

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is the ideal path that every usershould follow to make a purchase. As its name says, its shape is similar to that of an inverted pyramid. Where the widest part is where clients of all kinds arrive, that is, the first contact. Finally, the most closed part are the few who make a purchase.

For example, in the sales funnel of an e-commerce, the initial part is when a business advertises on Facebook or Instagram. No matter how targeted the ads are, the scope of the promoted products will always be wide.

Of the entire group of people who see your ads, most will ignore it, others will be interested and investigate the business so that they can finally buy. All this summarized process is what should be considered in any e-commerce sales funnel.

The sales funnel of a companyis made up of different stagesand it is important to be clear about them before starting to optimize this tool.

Stages of the sales funnel for an e-commerce

Although every sales funneldoes not have a limit of phasesand the number can increase or decrease depending on the nature of the business, there are 3 stages that yes or yes you should know.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

Top of the Funnel or top of the funnel. The objective of this part of the sales funnel of an e-commerceis focused on the awareness of the business or generating brand awareness. In general, in this part you have a product to launch or you are a new brand that seeks to position itself within the competition.

Here users have many sources of income, for example, through Google searches, a Facebook or Instagram post, or the recommendation of an influencer. There are many tactics and actions that can be carried out tocapture the user’s attentionwhen something is very new.

Although it is a stage where you want to reach the largest possible audience, it is important toconsider segmentation. For example, when choosing an influencer or to do paid advertising through social networks.

Remember that this stage the load of digital customer service can increase. Therefore, it is better that your business is equipped with an omnichannel platform that has multi-agent management in Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp chats. Also, that you can unify these 3 channels in one place.

Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

It is the middle part of the sales funnel of an e-commerce. In this part, actions must be implemented that arefocused on generating user trust. In general, the user is already leaving some personal data that you must take into account. If you had an e-commerce, they would create an account, for example.

In a few words, in this part the usershows affinity with your business. Therefore, it is important to apply certain digital marketing strategies such as Lead nurturing, remarketing, discount promotions for exclusive customers, among others. In general, actions thatprevent the abandonment of an interested public.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

We have reached the final part of the sales funnel of an e-commerce. Everything is defined here, whether the user actually buys something or not. The last step for a user to become a client. In addition, in this phase it not only ends in a purchase, but there is also a whole loyalty process that you must implement .

In short, it is the transactional part of every business. Among all the strategies to increase sales that you can implement, the most important is therecovery of shopping carts. Through mailing or implementing online chatbots , you can send your users who abandoned you a message so that they come back to buy from you.

6 tips to boost the sales funnel of an e-commerce

As you could read, each of the stages of the sales funnel requires a deployment of marketing tasks and actions that drive different objectives. If everything works in harmony, then the funnel can have positive results.

Therefore, below, learn how to strengthen thesales funnel of an e-commerce:

Study the purchase cycles of the products

The first tip to improve the sales funnel of an e-commerce is toanalyze the impact your product is having. But where to start? The first reference to know this data is through traffic that the landing or individual page of a specific product can receive.

From there it analyzes if it generated clicks on more information or the number of times it was added to a cart. Carry out all this monitoring as part of your strategies to increase the sales of your e-commerce.

Another benchmark you can do is through your chat channels. If you handle many social networks this will be chaos. For this reason, it is better to use an omnichannel platform that unifies and saves all the chats of your digital communication channels . In this way, it is much easier to find all the conversations with your customers.

Create valuable content with a transactional objective

When we review the actions of the sales funnel of an e-commerce, not all of them should be related to the sale or promotion of a product. A business cannot be so intrusive with new users. That is whyvaluable content must be createdfor each of the sales stages.

For example, if your e-commerce sells healthy food. You cancreate a blogwithin your website with articles that are related to nutrition. Within the text, you can recommend the products you sell. Although it is aimed at the top part of the sales funnel of an e-commerce, users are already knowing what you sell without realizing it.

This can be modified each of the stages of the sales funnel. Let’s say that you sell household cleaning supplies and you want to target an audience that is in the middle of the funnel. Doing the same exercise as the previous one, you create a blog and make articles that point much more to the product. For example, “how to clean windows with…”.

This is not only intended for Google themes, which is ideal of course. But also for the content on your social networks. Having valuable contentpositions your brand as an expertwithin the sector. In this way, potential customers will feel more confident and willing to pass you, which would take them to the final stage of the sales funnel of an e-commerce.

Segment all your users

No one buys at the first moment of contact between the user and the digital business. That is why it is important to create strategies to increase the sales of an e-commerce in each part of the sales funnel. This is achieved with personalized messages. It is not the same to write to someone who abandoned the cart to a new customer. Everyone has different buying intentions.

Imagine that a user is about to complete their purchase and leaves your website. There is a behavior there and a world of possibilities is created for which it did not lead to finalizing your purchase. To encourage them to reach the end of the sales funnel of an e-commerce, you can send a discount through their email or their preferred chat channel.

Likewise, it is important to save all the history of conversations that your clients may have with your agents. With an omnichannel software that integrates the main chats of the social networks of your business, it will be enough to know what type of client it is.

Boosting the credibility of a digital business should be part of the strategies to increase the sales of an online business.

Announce posts at the right times

Have you ever entered a website and then that same page appeared as an advertisement on social networks? This is one of the things that can be done with both Google and Facebook ads. And we are talking exactly about aremarketing strategy.

But that does not mean that you invade the privacy and tranquility of the user with your ads. It is better to wait a long time between 1 to 2 weeks from the first contact to send advertising again. Abusing remarketing can have negative consequences for any business.

Use real cases for successful experiences

Do you remember that in the middle stage of the sales funnel of an e-commerce you always seek to build trust with new users? Boosting the credibility of a digital business should be part of the strategies to increase the sales of an online business.

From uploading photos of clients to their testimonial about your business, it counts so that new users feel confident to buy. Remember that in a digital business there are no physical stores and there is a feeling that what is purchased cannot be claimed or returned in case there are faults.

Therefore, it is important that you show the most human side of the business, both customers and your workers. Also, implement online chatbots so that your users can have a 24/7 response when they have a complaint or claim.

Analyze and establish new improvements

All your strategies to increase the sales of your business are valid, but they are useless if they are not analyzed onspecific KPIs and improvements are established. Nobody creates a perfect e-commerce sales funnel, it is the experience and the time that makes it ideal for your business.

Therefore, analyze which actions have better results and which do not. In this way, you can create new techniques or continue with the ones you already have implemented.

As you could read, the sales funnel of a perfect e-commerce needs a constant supply of techniques and strategies that speed up the entire customer journey to generate a purchase. One of them is to guarantee good customer service to build trust, the first attitude that every company must have to close a sale.

About Kushal Enugula

I’m a Digital marketing enthusiast with more than 6 years of experience in SEO. I’ve worked with various industries and helped them in achieving top ranking for their focused keywords. The proven results are through quality back-linking and on page factors.

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